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Introducing Crossmint Headless Checkout

Enable both fiat and crosschain payments in a fully customizable UI across web, mobile, gaming consoles, VR, and more.

Introducing Crossmint Headless Checkout

Introducing the industry’s first headless checkout experience that supports both fiat and crosschain payments, natively in any app, on any connected device.

This means you can now let your users buy NFTs with fiat or any ERC-20 token, from any chain. With full UI control!

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Why go headless?

Today, Crossmint already allows you to easily accept payments via:

  • A no-code storefront, hosted by Crossmint
  • A Crossmint-hosted checkout pop-up
  • An embedded checkout on your site loaded via an iframe

For those who prefer maximum UI customization, headless checkout is for you. It combines our widely-used payment APIs inside a UI that you control completely.

While our other payment APIs are built for web apps, headless checkout is extensible to any connected device. This means seamless fiat and crosschain payments are coming to:

  • Native mobile apps
  • Gaming consoles
  • VR headsets
  • And more

Onchain payments, everywhere

Headless checkout will be available for 15+ chains, supporting debit, credit card, Apple & Google Pay, and virtually any cryptocurrency.

We’re massively reducing the friction that people have historically encountered when interacting with onchain applications. With major friction points removed, more onchain apps can flourish.

Another major unlock will come from the ability to integrate seamless onchain payments across new kinds of devices. Think of buying a gaming skin on X-Box using any crypto asset from any chain, or from your credit card.

We’ll see onchain apps and payments find their way to next-generation devices. Imagine a world where people do their online shopping in VR, or where your smart fridge buys milk onchain when you run out.

The onchain future is more exciting than ever, and we’re just getting started.

Devs can checkout the overview & quick start.

Want to speak with us to learn more? Contact our sales team!