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What is Gwei and how to convert it to ETH

Gwei is a fundamental unit of measure on the Ethereum blockchain, primarily used to calculate gas fees for transactions.

What is gwei and how to convert it to ETH

Understanding and Calculating Gwei

Gwei is a fundamental unit of measure on the Ethereum blockchain, primarily used to calculate gas fees for transactions. This guide provides a concise yet comprehensive explanation of what Gwei is and how to calculate it for Ethereum transactions.

You can track the current and historical gas price on gwei on etherscan.

Ethereum Average Gas Price

Ethereum Average Gas Price


What is Gwei?

  • Definition: Gwei, short for gigawei, is a denomination of the cryptocurrency Ether (ETH), used on the Ethereum network.
  • Value: 1 Gwei = 0.000000001 ETH (10^-9 ETH).
  • Purpose: It is used to measure and pay gas fees, which are the costs for performing operations on the Ethereum blockchain.

Other relevant metrics units include:


Calculating Gas Fees in Gwei

Gas fees in Ethereum are calculated based on the amount of computational effort required for a transaction or smart contract execution.

Components of Gas Fees

  • Gas Limit: The maximum amount of gas units you are willing to spend on a transaction.
  • Gas Price: The amount of Gwei you are willing to pay per unit of gas.
  • Total Gas Fee: Calculated as `Gas Limit x Gas Price`.

Calculation Steps

  1. Determine Gas Limit: Assess the complexity of your transaction to estimate the gas limit. E.g., A simple ETH transfer has a lower gas limit compared to executing a smart contract.
  2. Set Gas Price: Choose the gas price in Gwei. This can depend on network congestion. Higher prices can lead to faster transaction confirmation.
  3. Compute Total Gas Fee: Multiply the gas limit by your chosen gas price. Example: If the gas limit is 50,000 units and the gas price is 100 Gwei, the total fee is 5,000,000 Gwei (50,000 x 100).

Special Considerations

  • Tip for Priority: In congested networks, adding a tip to the base gas price can prioritize your transaction.
  • Conversion to Ether: To express gas fees in ETH, divide the total fee in Gwei by 1,000,000,000 (since 1 ETH = 1 billion Gwei).


Suppose you want to execute an ERC-20 token transfer. Assume:

  • Gas Limit: 65,000 units
  • Base Gas Price: 118 Gwei
  • Tip: 0 Gwei
  • Total Gas Fee = 65,000 units x (118 Gwei + 0 Gwei) = 7,670,000 Gwei.

Conversion to USD

To understand the real-world cost, convert Gwei to USD using the current ETH to USD exchange rate.

Too complicated? We gotcha!

By using Crossmint’s infrastructure, you can forget about gwei. Crossmint abstracts away and pays for gas fees on behalf of users and developers, billing directly in fiat.

To learn more about how to mint NFTs with Crossmint, you can follow this guide. You can create your first within 5 minutes, even if you have no blockchain experience.

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